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Plada Infotech Services Ltd
Registered Office:
Santosh A Mishra Comp Mograpad,Morga Vil old Nag Rd Andheri E, Mumbai - 400069, Maharashtra, India.
Initial public offer of up to 25,74,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each (the "Equity Shares") of Plada Infotech Services Limited (the "Company" or "Plada") at an issue price of Rs. 48/- per equity share for cash, aggregating up to Rs. 12.36 crores ("Public Issue") out of which 1,29,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10 each, at an issue price of Rs. 48/- per equity share for cash, aggregating Rs. 0.62 crores will be reserved for subscription by the market maker to the issue (the "Market Maker Reservation Portion"). The public issue less market maker reservation portion i.e. issue of 24,45,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10 each, at an issue price of Rs. 48/- per equity share for cash, aggregating upto Rs. 11.74 crores is herein after referred to as the "Net Issue". The public issue and net issue will constitute Rs. 12.36 crores and Rs. 11.74 croress respectively of the post-issue paid-up equity share capital of the company.
Opens On Closes On
29-Sep-23 05-Oct-23
Money Payable On
Application Allotment
48.00 0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos : 3000  Further Multiples of : 3000
()(Cr.) Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost () 9.16 Indorient Financial Services Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer () 12.36  
Post Issue Equity Share Capital () 8.57  
Issue Price () 48.00  
Working capital requirements
Purchase of Laptops & Accessories for IT Development
Repayment and/or prepayment in part or in full of certain outstanding loans
General corporate expenses
Promoted By
Shailesh Kumar Damani
Anil Mahendra Kotak
Listing At
Registrar to the Issue