The stock was listed at Rs 3,000 per share on the BSE and Rs 3,020 per share on the NSE, representing a significant premium over the issue price of Rs 1,563 per share. This pricing was determined during a special trading session ahead of the listing.
Raymond's decision to demerge its apparel business into a separate entity aligns with its strategy of focusing on three distinct business verticals: real estate, lifestyle, and engineering. Raymond had announced a share exchange ratio of 4:5 (four shares of Raymond Lifestyle for every five held in Raymond).
However, despite the initial positive listing, RLL shares quickly faced selling pressure, plunging 5% on both exchanges to hit the lower circuit limit shortly after the debut. This suggests that some investors may have taken profits after the initial surge.
Raymond Lifestyle's current market capitalisation is Rs 17,363.23 crore. The company is a leading fashion and retail company with iconic men's fashion brands and a vast retail network. The company offers fashion products and services with branded textile, apparel brands across formal casual and ethnic wear.
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